Fee Ruels
  • School Accepts Fee Till 10th Of Every Month
  • Two Months Fee Is To Be Deposited In The Month Of May(for May & June) and February (for Feb & March)
  • The fee paying up-slip book would be issued by the school in triplicate which would be filled legibly by the parents and the dues would be deposited in the bank from 1st to 10th of every month. Bank would not accept any payment, after the 10th. After 10th a late fine of Rs. 100/- per month will be charged
  • Regarding the payment. the amount should be deposited in full. Bank would not accept the payment in parts. Parents are requested kindly to keep the receipts, issued by the bank and produce them in proof of payment, if needed.
  • Certificate of progress will be withheld who have arrears of fees. The name of pupil will be struck off the rolls for non-payment of dues consecutively for two months.
  • Under no circumstances a pupil shall be allowed to take the final examination unless the school dues are cleared.
  • School Fee once paid will not be refunded.
  • Bus Fee will be charged for 12 month
  • of Swami Vivekanand Public School, Thapper Colony

  • School Code 'SVPSTP'
  • Designed & Maintained by Franciscan